1.2 Hour Walk-about

1.2 Hour Walk-About

In reviving my Blog, I recalled the wise saying that every journey begins with a first step.  And for this new year I was inspired by a book called “The 12 Hour Walk.”  

Written by a world-record explorer (C.O’Brady), it promised a one-day formula to shift your mindset to new possibilities. While that seemed rather daunting in this season of weather extremes, I was reminded of it recently when dragging in the cold.  So I spontaneously tried an abbreviated  1.2 hour version -  and had a inspired morning enjoying a fresh snowfall along the North Shore!

The French (now my now extended family ) refer to a “flaneur” as a person who strolls as an observer of street life - and ideally is inspired by the experience of the scenery.  A local friend also recently noted a quote attributed to St. Augustine:  that inner resistance to change is “solved by walking.” Both references seem appealing as I adjust to semi-retirement. 

After that snowy day,  this local picture anticipates better conditions here for all in weeks ahead at Glenview’s Sleepy Hollow Park.

My hope for you and me is to stretch further into the 12 hour version. But in any event to be open to appreciation and invigoration from nature outdoors.  



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