Improving Our Lives Through Community Design.
John R. Hedrick
John is an attorney and consultant with a broad background in business law and government regulation. He worked with the Board of Directors of a Fortune 100 corporation for many years, and is currently a Senior Advisor to DePaul University’s Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development. He has also worked with many civic and professional organizations.
John is now focusing on sharing his professional experience and personal interests but has previously been recognized for legal and planning accomplishments, including the following distinctions below.
Conference Presentations:
Illinois Municipal League Panel – Sign Regulation
American Planning Association (APA) State Conference – Current Issues
APA-CMS Workshops re: Design Review and Design Guidelines
DePaul/Chaddick Institute programs, Sign Control Issues, Form-based Zoning
Scenic America National Conferences
APA Planning Magazine – Civitas by Design (2013)
APA Regional Government Newsletter – Networking for Design Review (2012)
APA Commissioner Magazine – Organizing for Better Design (2011)
"Community Appearance Regulation" monograph (DePaul University press)
Illinois Municipal League Journal – Networking for Design
Notable Achievements:
Lambda Alpha International – Land Economics Honor Society
Chair, Bar Association – Architecture project: Statewide Historic Preservation Ordinances
J.D. , B.S. – University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL (Admitted to Illinois Bar)
Certificate: Harvard School of Design – National Charette Institute Training
Profession Highlights:
ALIC (Greenbriar) – Corporate Counsel Honor Society
Chair, Chicago Bar Assn. – Financial Service Committee
Special Achievement Award, DePaul University–Chaddick Institute (2019)